Unity Rendering Optimization

Q; The ways of optimizting? Static Batching. Objects are explicitly specified to be static. It can’t have any change in transform. It also requires additional memory to store combined geometry. 100 objects are 100 copy. Dynamic Batching The mesh and materials need to be the same, and the mesh must have less than 300 vertices. The objects should not moving around. Shaders should have one pass. Instanced materials and lightmapping are not allowed....

March 17, 2021 · Kyle Fang

Unity Overdraw

Achieving 60FPS on mobile, Youtube Optimizing Graphics in Unity, Unity Overdraw Overdrawn is to draw one pixel more than once. Post-processing will re-touch the pixel at least once. It adds burdens to the GPU and delays the frame. Rendering is done by draw calls. The intermediate steps are not on the screen but in frame buffers. A frame buffer is a memory buffer that contains data representing the pixels in a complete video frame....

February 8, 2021 · Kyle Fang


Lovecraft’s described a color outside of the visible spectrum in his novel Color Out of Space. This color was emitted from an alien creature which destroyed an area later in the. Even though the idea of a color that is outside the spectrum sounds illogical, but magenta is such color. We can see magenta, but it doesn’t exist in the spectrum. Magenta is loosely defined as purplish-red or reddish-purple. In color wheels of the RGB, it is located exactly midway between red and blue....

December 22, 2020 · Kyle Fang

Unity EditorWindow And Assetprocessor

Tutorials Editor folder contains any editor scripts. It allows no mono behavior scripts in it. AssetPostprocessor is one of the editor class. One of the properties is assetPath, the path name of the asset being imported. A series of function is called in the following order during the model import: OnPreprocessModel: I can override ModelImporter settings in here. After meshes and materials are imported, GameObjects hierarchy is created from the imported nodes....

November 30, 2020 · Kyle Fang

Matrix Calculation

Gaussian Elimination Gaussian Elimination is used to solve a system of linear equations. It transforms the matrix into a reduced row-echelon form. The transformation is completed with the row operations. We can swap rows, multiply rows by a nonzero number, and adding one row to another. In such a way, the matrix will become an upper triangular matrix whose all leading coefficients are 1. for example, the following equations can be transform to the matrix: $$ \begin{align} \nonumber r_0 + r_1 = 26 \ \nonumber r_1 + r_2 = 20 \ \nonumber r_0 = 2r_2 \ \end{align} $$ $$ \begin{vmatrix} 1 && 1 && 0 && 26 \ 0 && 1 && 1 && 20 \ 1 && 0 && -2 && 0 \ \end{vmatrix} $$ ...

November 18, 2020 · Kyle Fang