Fundamentals of CG - Raster Images

Raster Display shows images as rectangular arrays of pixels. It’s also prevalent in devices, hence the raster images are also the most common way to store and process images. Raster Image is simply a 2D array that stores the pixel value for each pixel. It’s not a good way to display images since the pixel number is not always the same and we want to change the orientation and size sometimes....

December 18, 2020 · Kyle Fang

Fundamentals of CG - Intro

Avoid any specific hardware or API because CG is a rapidly evolving field and the specifics of that knowledge are moving target. Terminology: Modeling deals with the mathematical specification of shape and appearance properties in a way that can be stored on the computer. Rendering deals with the creation of shaded images from 3D computer models. Animation is a technique to create an illusion of motion through sequences of images....

December 14, 2020 · Kyle Fang