Fundamentals of CG - Raster Images

Raster Display shows images as rectangular arrays of pixels. It’s also prevalent in devices, hence the raster images are also the most common way to store and process images. Raster Image is simply a 2D array that stores the pixel value for each pixel. It’s not a good way to display images since the pixel number is not always the same and we want to change the orientation and size sometimes....

December 18, 2020 · Kyle Fang

Fundamentals of CG - Intro

Avoid any specific hardware or API because CG is a rapidly evolving field and the specifics of that knowledge are moving target. Terminology: Modeling deals with the mathematical specification of shape and appearance properties in a way that can be stored on the computer. Rendering deals with the creation of shaded images from 3D computer models. Animation is a technique to create an illusion of motion through sequences of images....

December 14, 2020 · Kyle Fang

Shader Basic

Basics shader language has a single main that returns color at the end final pixel color is assigned to gl_FragColor C-flavored language has built in variable, function, type preprocessor macros (pre-compiled) #define global variable #ifdef and #endif lower precision → faster rendering, less quality precision medium float precision lowp float precision highp float GLSL specs doesn’t guarantee auto-cast vec4(1, 0, 0, 1) will raise error, because it’s not float multiple ways of constructing vec4 vec4 color = vec4(vec3(1....

September 23, 2019 · Kyle Fang

Binary, Decimal, Graycode

Gray code Gray code can reduce the errors of changing bits (or switches). It only needs to change 1 bit at a time to increments the decimal number. Example 1 decimal binary gray code 5 101 111 6 110 101 From 5 to 6, binary has two bits changed, while gray code only changed 1 bit. XOR is the method of converting binary to gray code....

May 26, 2019 · Kyle Fang

Color Channel 颜色通道

颜色通道(color channel)不能光用类比三原色的方法来理解,还需要理解灰度值(gray scale)。 数字图像的本质是矩阵。 每个矩阵内的元素可以看作是一个像素,每个元素都有关于 BGR 三种颜色的灰度值,而灰度值表示的是颜色的“深浅/强弱/明亮”。灰度值越高,颜色越深/强/暗,反之则是越浅/弱/亮。 如果一个像素的 BGR 的灰度是 [100, 40, 35]。那么这就表示,这个像素的蓝色通道的灰度值是100,绿色的通道的灰度值是40,红色的则是35。这些颜色混合在一起就变成了这个像素的颜色。 P1.d 的题目要求的是: Modify the above code snipet to replace the green with blue, red with green, and blue with red channels. 也就是: green -> blue red -> green blue -> red 第一次解法:<Vec3b>(i, j)[0] = r;<Vec3b>(i, j)[1] = b;<Vec3b>(i, j)[2] = g; 实际上是: red -> blue blue -> green green -> red...

April 12, 2018 · Kyle Fang