RGB to Grayscale
dot(color.rgb, float3(0.298999995, 0.587000012, 0.114));
It’s a convenient way to write rather than multiply and add up every channel.
Tangent, Normal, Bitangent
Tangent is the U of the UV for both OpenGL and DirectX. Left to right, 0.0 to 1.0. The binormal is the V of the UV. OpenGL is bottom to top, and DirectX is top to bottom. Unity is +Y, OpenGL standard. Unreal is -Y, DirectX standard.
Unity use DirectX standard on window, so tangent.w component is always negative.
Built-in variables
- x: the width of the camera’s target texture in pixels
- y: the height of the camera’s target texture in pixels
- z: 1 + 1/wdith
- w: 1 + 1/height
Toggle allows me to enable or disable the shader keyword. If I don’t specify the keyword name, the toggle affects the shader with the name (uppercase property name)_ON
Sprite default’s PixelSnap is the example of not specifying the name.
Sprite Renderer
Sprite Renderer uses MaterialPropertyBlock
to assign the sprite texture into the material (shader). This is why we can use different sprites on Sprite Renderer while just having a single material.