
  • Ingredients: uncooked Spaghetti marinara sauce ground beef garlic oil
  • optional ingredients: cheese, onion, optioal vegetable, seasoning, whatever
  • Steps:
    1. add spaghetti to the boiled water and wait for 5-10 mins.
    2. combine oil, ground beef, garlic and optional vegetable in the pan, stir until the meat is brown and vegetable is tender
    3. add cooked spaghetti, marinara sauce into the pan.
    4. add salt and seasoning. stir 2-3 mins.
  • Insight This receipt is more flexible. For example, less watery and fried noodles make it “chow mein”.
  • Enjoy

Milk Tea

  • Ingredients: 1 tbsp english breakfast tea leaves, not tea bags. 1 L boiled water soy milk
  • Steps
    1. combine tea leaves and boiled water, wait til all tea leaves settle on the bottom of the container
    2. filte the tea leaves
    3. combine tea and soy milk
  • Enjoy

![milk_tea]( =150x150)

Strawberry Sundae Sauce

  • Ingredients: 1 lb strawberry suagr (brown, granulated, whatever, 1/2 - 1 cup depends on personal preference) 1/2 cup water

  • Steps

    1. cut strawberry into smaller pieces
    2. set the fire between middle and low
    3. add strwaberry into the pan
    4. add sugar and water into the pan
    5. stir until they mixed very well
    6. wait 5-10 mins and stir occasinally
    7. turn off the fire and wait until the pan is room temperature
  • Insight

    This sauce cannot be stored too long. Better finish it in 3 days.

    Adding more water and remove the strawberry fruit meat can make watery sauce. Mixing it with milk makes Strawberry Flavor Milk.

  • Enjoy

![sundae]( =150x150)