RWBY: Grimm Eclipse(RWBY) is a multiplayer online action game features the online anime RWBY. The game consists of different maps and combat setting. It has single-player or multiplayer mode. Both modes share the same level and combat system. There are four basic characters are available to control. Players need to defeat waves of enemies on a map to win. A scoreboard will be displayed to tell player’s performance when players finish a map, such as teamwork, attack, or assist. Each character has individual levels that can be increased by earning XP from fighting enemies or collecting artifacts in the game. Levels reward ability points to unlock combat abilities. Certain abilities should be unlocked by completing related achievements first, such as using light attack 200 times. Players also have ranks that can be increased by complete achievements too. For example, players can enter Rank 1 when four basic characters all reach Level 10. Rank does not grant anything useful except displaying a number next to the player’s username to indicate their ranks. Entering new rank will also lock combat abilities again so players need to repeat what they have done.

RWBY’s level design does not attract players to play it multiple times because it is plain and unvaried. Even though the game allows players to gain the new ability, players will soon lose the fun once they complete the game once and enter the next rank due to the Rank System.

First, once the players complete the story, the rest of the game is to repeat the same content again and again. The game lacks the variety of enemies and combat system. Most enemies are essentially the same one with more HP. The combat system also provides limited combo. Therefore, even though the game provides multiple maps, the game soon becomes tedious. Players will encounter waves of enemies, spam the same combat combos, and repeat. Especially, the battle time is extended when enemies have larger HP bar.


Second, the rank system is solely unnecessary. It locks abilities, asks players to repeat the completed achievement, and only indicates how much time the player dedicated to the game. The developers probably try to increase the difficulty by limiting character’s actions when they are at a higher rank. Nevertheless, adding the limitation to a simple system makes the game uninteresting. As a result of these excessive linear repetitions, RWBY lacks replayability and hence has a smaller player base. Moreover, the game is designed for multiplayer, matching other players to form a team becomes difficult.


It is true that repetition happens in a lot of games, but the repetition should satisfy the player in a way. For example, Bayonetta 2 is also an action game and has online multiplayer mode too. Similar to RWBY, it also has a relatively linear story, but the combo system and challenge mode make the game worth playing many times. Players can earn combo points when they keep attacking enemies. Points will be accumulated to estimated the medal at the end of each battle in single-player mode and to win rewards in multiplayer mode. Collecting enough

high-value medal will reward certain hidden items and unlock a new higher difficulty mode. Players can perform very creative actions on enemies for scores or even simply for showing off. Meanwhile, the difficulty mode scales the game’s difficulty from “very easy” to “infinite climax”. Enemies have the stronger attack, more HP, and faster action when the difficulty is higher. This setting is to let players test or challenge their control skills and quick reaction. With these two mechanics, players can always play in a new way. The repetition hence becomes the main gaming experience that provides pleasure.

In conclusion, the level design in is linear and repetitive, and the rank system is simply redundant. RWBY’s repetition only brings pleasure at the beginning and ruins the fun game after that. Players will feel satisfied when they unlock the ability or achievement by repeating certain actions for the first time, but it is not interesting to lock these abilities and ask players to do it again.