
  1. outlines, drafts with simple sentences, hard copy, and makes the words better
  2. subject verb object structure is a better way to start.
  3. Make an example once I have a point.
  4. remove extra words: moreover, furthermore, additionally, however. in other words, in short
  5. Don’t use transition. Let the logic of your outline carry it.
  6. Start directly. We don’t need “First and foremost” unless we have five points.
  7. literary present tense: describing a story from literature, we can use present tense.
  8. If we describe something in past tense, the description uses past tense too.
  9. Past tense is the SAFE tense.
  10. Avoid passive sentence.
  11. NO “due to”, use “because”.
  12. “demonstrate”, “show”, “reveal” are unnecessary.
  13. “yet” is handy. It can start a sentence without comma.
  14. we don’t need “for example” most of the time.
  15. less adverb.

Irony means the situation is opposite of what we expected. e.g. Anti-piracy company uses stolen photos.

Satire is imitation that exposes the stupidity or flaws. e.g. Saturday Nigh Live mock the presidential campaign by mimicry.

Sarcasm is insincere speech. It depends on the audience to be in the joke.