特别焦虑。因为毕业,离别,XIV三重压迫。 首先毕业要考虑可能性无限接近于零的美帝就业以及 finals。我已经放弃了毕业典礼和长袍,也没打算照毕业照。14 号我就开始火车旅行。这样也增加了更多的事情要做,预定车票和 airbnb 真是很麻烦。 然后是离别。差不多六年的美帝生活就要结束,还是很难接受的。说走就走,我还没那么随性。 再来是 XIV 的 Shadowbringers 在 6/28 就开始。XIV 是我接触到的最好的 MMO,也因此入了 FF 系列 和 SE 的坑。想去 SE 工作。真的想去。真的真的想去。大家都想去 Blizzard,Apple,Google,我就想去 SE。 这种又是紧张,又是伤心,又是期待的心情混在一起真的很不好受。


ShB 的 trailer zhong,Y’shtola(Master Matoya) 说了这么一句话:

“Deny? I am not wont to run from my troubles. "

这个 “wont” 我是真的没听出来。我的听到的是“I’m not the one who runs from troubles”。大脑自动纠错。 wont 意味 “in the habit of doing something”。也就是“习惯性的(做出动作)”。 Y’shtola 是在说不会逃避问题,而不是说 WoD。


我从没想过 XIV 里的 emote 有什么需要讨论的。但是 Zepla HQ 的新作品 review 了 ShB 中新增加种族的 emote,very inspiring. Lore 里面 一直在强调 Viera 是非常 shy 的种族,很少在其它种族面前现身。And that even use this as an excuse for not having male Viera. Just be honest and tell us that the dev team did not have enough time and resource to create the satisfying male Viera model. We will understand. “Lore” is a lame excuse. 但是在 Viera 的 emote 所表现出来的并不是 shy,更多的是 elegance。比如说 clap,this webiste gives detailed explanation about applause:

  1. Hold your non-dominant hand at chest level, palm facing inward at a 45 degree angle, and slightly cupped.
  2. Move your dominant hand to strike your other hand in the palm with four fingers as illustrated here.

I never ever thought that there is a “proper” way to clap. It is ridiculous. It reminds me those European upper class in the movies. However, this is how Viera claps. It shows elegance and proper manners. Anyway, if I have to wear heels and run in jungles, I guess I’ll have better manners? Another example is /fume, Viera will hold her right hand and make a fist, strikes the air furiously yet hold her anger very carefully. I can see the rage is hold back. On the other hand, Horthgar’s /fume is demonstrated in a neatly way: use his sharp claws scratch the air twice and roars. We can see the race’s personality and difference in these emotes. It’s impressive that XIV dev team made so much effort in details to represent a realist fantasy world.