I’m afraid of the night because of nightmares. I have been having them since I was diagnosed as having depression. My dream contains a continent of bizarreness. Strange and perplexing things dwell on it. The unpredictable horror disguised in various forms comes to me every night. Soon, they escape and vanish in the air in the morning. Only the unsettling feeling tells that how ill it was at last night.

Google News

Google News aims to provide comprehensive news to users, but I do not recommend it after six months of usage. The selected news is mostly based on the history of Google search. For example, there were many feeds about Harry Potter in my news list because I had searched “Wizarding World” many times during last year’s summer. “X secretes many Harry Potter fans don’t know”, “Top X Wizards in Harry Potter”. Such stories and news are never my favorite. I clicked “Fewer Stories Like This” again and again, but they always appear on my list after a while. I tried to click “More Stories Like This” on other news to lower the percentage of HP related news, it did not work. My assumption is that I searched the keywords “Harry Potter” again, so they triggered the brought those meaningless stories back. I like reading, especially long articles. I used to read them very quickly, but the ubiquitous short writing on the internet destroyed this useful skill. I’ve started training myself on this skill several months ago by keep reading long articles.


First, “It’s not a song! It’s a PIECE!” “Four Thirty-three” is a three-movement composition by John Cage. The score instructs the performer not to play any notes during the entire performance, hence it is known as “four thirty-three of silence”. Due to the fact that no notes exist on the score, instruments will not make any sound. What the audience listen to is the ambient sound in the music hall. Therefore, the actual player of the performance becomes ambiguous. Performers do not play, while the audience is making all sorts of noise, such as breathing, changing sitting positions, or interacting with their friends. Besides, the ambient sound is different in each performance because the audience and the hall setting are different. Who is really playing the piece?