7.20 - 7.23
The heartless life likes to mock us. It made us meet each other, yet give us so little time.
His brown-ish yellow eyes are beautiful. I can see me reflected in his eyes. His hands are bigger than mine and can easily hold mine. He likes kissing. His kiss is sweet, wet and cool, probably because he likes to chew gums. He likes nature and walking around in the park. He said the trees standing in the other side would gradually turns to yellow and red in the fall and eventually falls on the ground. He wore cologne that made me think of him all the time. He looks like a ghost in the dark. He fell in light sleep quickly. His breath was like breeze.
I saw Mississippi River. The riverside was muddy. The sunlight burned the ground and we stood in the shadow. I remember the iced tea, the LED lights, and the thunder.
The morning was humid and warm. I walked on the wrong direction but made it in the last minute. I saw people gathered near the door. A madam smiled and nodded to me. I smiled back and sit in the last row. I saw him playing and singing on the stage with the choir. I couldn’t stop to look at him. I remember the trees, squirrels, muddy road, grass, and the mushroom. People were talking on the boat. We hold our hands when he was driving. The lemon soft ice cream tasted like watermelon in my first bite. I remember the angle and the demon. I felt his breath again.
He kissed me in the morning and woke me up. I saw the train ran to the platform. Chicago was windy indeed. I saw the lake that looked like the sea. I saw the exhibition and listened the music. The peanut butter cookie was tasty. I saw the city skyline and was terrified on the wheel. He hold me and kissed me. I remember the caramel and cheese popcorns, chicken dumplings, sparkling water and green tea.
We woke up at five. The cologne was on my shirt. I remembered what he said before I leave. I shall kept it in my mind.
大早上的很凉快。火车上没什么人。要到 Macomb 的人屈指可数。
Mr. David 的身上有着很好闻的古龙水香味。他的胡茬很刺人。他有着黄铜色的眼睛。他的右眼天生就没有视力。
密西西比河很宽阔,河边倒都是泥巴。 他的体温比我高,而且他尝起来很甜。
Mr. David 一大早就出门去了教堂演奏。我悄悄摸摸的溜进来最后一排。 也就是下午快三点的时候我们才出门。他带我去了森林散步。河边有一张小桌子。他说每到秋天的时候,从这里可以看到河对面的树林从绿色转为黄色再转为红色。 他很容易就睡着了,我的手臂可以感受到他的呼吸。
Mr. David 的手很大,而且凉凉的。
Sky Wheel 转了三圈。我真的很怕高。焦糖爆米花和芝士爆米花,一种甜一种咸,两种味道在嘴里一起混杂,嘴巴很难停下来。 焦糖味在芝加哥的宾馆里弥漫。
这几天起床都很早,而且很温暖,今天也不例外。 分别后刚开始还没什么。两三个小时后是真疼啊。