
Calendar should list a series of events that either happens in a period of time, such as courses, work schedule, or periodically happens. It could also be used to plan a day’s task that is detailed to hours and minutes.

My calendars:

  • Classes: class schedule or anything happening periodically and related to classes
  • Work: working time, or anything happening periodically and related to works.
  • Events: it receives anything that randomly happens, such as a doctor appointment, or meet with friends.


Reminders contains tasks. The task can be done in one hour or ten days. However, if the task could be done right now, do not add it to a reminder. Do it immediately. The task should be scheduled in advance in Reminders. There is a special use of reminders, however. That is “Lists”. A reminder without reminding setting is simply a list. I usually use it as a shopping list.

My Reminders:

  • Do It: it includes anything that is personal and miscellaneous tasks, from grocery shopping to register a course.
  • Study It: it simply focuses on classes’ assignments, such as a project or writing homework.
  • Blog It: it’s simply a reminder that I still have something to edit and post on my blog. It usually has no reminding time.
  • Want It: This is a list containing expensive items that I desire. Once I had spare money, I would open this list to consider one of them as an option.
  • Play It: This is a list containing any video game that I want to play.


Calendars is not suitable for tasks, but we have tasks every day. For example, I have a graphics class every Tuesday and Thursday morning and various homework and reading related to the class. Then I add the class schedule to the calendar and homework or reading tasks to the reminder.

My Combination: Classes + Study It. Events + Work + Do It (Since I currently I don’t have a full-time job, Events and Work can be added together) Blog It Want It Play It


Note 1: Classes is mostly repeated event that I do not need to be reminded by reminders. The list is so crammed with a class schedule that I can barely read the lists. It’s better to discard classes totally or separate assignments from classes. I assume the same as Work if I had a full-time job or internships.

Note 2: After 14 days of experience with GoodTask, I think the most helpful feature is to view reminders on the timeline. Reminders’ lists are separated and independent. I must open each list to know the tasks. GoodTask adds the aspect of time to reminders to help me utilize it. Nevertheless, there are no more useful functions in GoodTask to me.