
I resigned and I have one week’s free time, so here it goes the gaming marathon. I had to change my glamours and hairstyle because they were ugly. I would never start a MSQ without getting well dressed.


After Zeno killed the previous emperor, he and Fandaniel formed a fraction " Telophoroi" and joined the civil war. However, crown prince had no intention on controlling the empire. Most of the soldiers were tempered by the Lunar Primals.

Lunar Primals were still summoned by the aether and prayers, but they could not temper people who stand close. The strange tower is the reason for tempering. Arenvald, as a soldier possessing Echo, and Fordola, who had Resonant, both infiltrated inside the tower. What they have found was very disturbing. The captured beast men were imprisoned in organic cells as the supplement of the Lunar Primals summoning. To save Fordola from Lunar Ifrit, Arenvald was badly injured and couldn’t stand up anymore. To strike down Lunar Bahamut, Estinien suggested to free Tiamat. With the help of the first brood, Lunar Bahamut was defeated. Krile raised an important question. She asked when was the last time Hydaelyn spoke to the warrior of light. When Minfilia manifested in front of Thancred and Ryne, she spoke her mind instead of being the word of the mother crystal. There might be obstacles to block the Hydaelyn’s words. She also decided to go back to Old Sharlayan to seek more help. Before her leave, she invited Ser Estinien to join the Scions. This time, Estinien officially agreed.

The Alliance of Eorzea invited beast tribes to the conference and formed the Grand Company of Eorzea. That was always Alphinaud’s goal, to unite cities and protect the Eorzea together. Meanwhile, Alphinaud’s father, Fourchenault Leveilleur, one of the Forum leaders, arrived at Gridania to deliver the message. Old Sharlayan would not get involved in the war between the Eorzea and Garlemald. They would keep their principles of observing the history instead of shaping it. When he learned the twins were not going back to Old Sharlayan, he disowned his children and left. G’raha thought the Forum was hiding some secrets behind this decline. Krile also confirmed this suspicion. Her every attempt of seeking help met obstacles in Old Sharlayan. It seemed that every member was forbidden to discuss this business. On the battlefield, Lunar Primals were released. Scions defeated Lunar Ravana, Odin, and Ifrit separately. Y’shtola found out that the aether confluence was weak near the strange towers. In other words, the tower absorbed the aether from the earth and used the prayer of captured beat men to summon Lunar Primals.

We defeated the Lunar Primals, of course we did, and the post-Shadowbringers story ends with the bright full moon.

The Sorrow of Wyrlet

The Diamond Weapon is ready, and the pilot is the girl. Her plan was to control the Diamond Weapon, and use it to kill the boss and fight back empire. This was expected by the boss, and he revealed a cruel truth behind Diamond Weapon.

Nero joined Cid again to build a Mark II for the platform.

The boss was grabbed by the Diamond Weapon and was killed gruesomely(squeezed by a giant robot hand).

She was mentally injured and stopped reacting to other’s interaction. A device was left given to her. In this device, it stored all the memories they shared back in the day when everyone was still together.

The Tower At Paradigm’s Breach

The new 24-men raid’s design and graphic effect was great until some players felt headache because of the graphic. I lost my sense of direction on the first map, because I could not tell if I was moving or not. The mono colored ground had no shadow and was masked by textures. My character was moving in a 3-dimension space but looked like a 2-dimension space.

The follow up quests lead to a weekly turn-in. Konogg left the village too after he knew his sister went to another side. Hence, other dwarfs demanded another target to blame and began the useless arguments. Only the chief and another dwarf had some sense left. They, and me of course, worked together to rebuild the village. The plan was to use the parts in the raid area to build new helpful automaton. Konogg would send us a “letter” every week to tell what his thoughts after we turned in something found in the raid area. Konogg’s message was mostly about his journal of discovering the secrets of the white orb, androids, and the world on another side. He started to research how to bring his sister back, yet failed. The ending… was quite confusing. It presented multiple unsolved mysteries: the dwarf who acted like two personalities, the ring we delivered, and the Anogg appeared at the end. The ending was marked [E] and it made wonder if there were other endings. However, considering this is an MMO, I don’t think other endings, even if they exist, would be released.

Skyrise Celebration

Guide:êtes_and_what_you_need_to_know_about/ Join the fetes(Fates) in the Firmament to celebrate and earn the skybuild scrips. Fetes were easy to play but hard to join. It happened every 2 days, and every celebration activities happened every 2 hours. The reward was nice gatherer’s and crafter’s materials.


The lack of content because of the pandemic and longer patch gap made the post-Shadowbringers content less interesting to me. Or I am just have to work and had much less time to play video games. The obvious evidence is that this post has no pictures. I either forgot to capture some or just don’t want to during the gameplay and forgot to capture later. I am looking forward to the next expansion, Endwalker. We will visit Sharlayan and have a new healer, Sage. New job overhaul and new maps. I also need to clear the extreme trails before the Endwalker since the stats numbers would be scaled down because the big numbers are causing some technical difficulties.