


According to Krile, the link between scions' bodies and souls are weakening. It is urgent to find a way to bring scions back to the source. crystal exarch suggests we ask help from the soul expert. With his help, Alisaie learned a spell to stimulate tempered people’s aether and bring them back. Meanwhile, Master Chai was elected as the new mayo in Eulmore. He sought help from the former mayor’s advisory Wreden. He deactivated Talos that is wandering in the wild and prepared to use them in the production of agriculture. Estinen made his back. Garlemald is in a civil war. Zenos meet a new white-robed figure. And the new WoL is watching. Also, Exarch and Alisaie are both WoL-sexual.

Nier Raid

One dwarf is reckless, another is rational. I believe the reckless dwarf is up to something after knowing androids and machine-lifeforms. A room full of 2B’s deactivated bodies is inside the Copied Factory. 9S is trying to kill 2P. If 9S appeared, 2B will be in somewhere. Most of the mechanics are Nier Automata related. The machine-life forms will shoot purple energy balls. Laser attack is in everywhere. The teleportation device is the bunker. We even have the Nier Automata menu. “Collection” is added to the duty menu. It gives a list of collected game content data. Now we only have Nier related archived data that is also displayed in the Nier style menu. I wonder what data will they add in the future patches. I was lucky to roll a 2B Material box in my very first run. I saw ppl with the 2B outfit but still rolled the box. they would simply discard it. it’s quite annoying.

New Game+

Once NewGame+ is enabled, players can take previous MSQ quests. Every major update is divided into four chapters. Players are allowed to suspend the progression and resume it later. It’s sad that once I exit NewGame+ mode, the room that was full of players become empty instantly. “Empty chairs at empty tables.” There isn’t much to say about it, but it’s nice to experience some old battles, such as the Nadaam battle.


The new frontline is fast-paced and more interesting than I thought. except Seize. AoE heal and AoE damage are added back. As a healer main, it is good news. RDM might be the only caster who has to hard cast. Its melee combo is useful too if he is not facing a crowd of players. Corps-a-corps, Engagement, Displacement can also be a quick melee combo because Engagement gives a barrier buff to nullify damage. With the new action: Manaward, I can survive in the melee combo and flip back most of the time. Rewarded Potion that restoring HP is also added to every job.

Update: Dashing Naadam inT5.15+08:00 5.15 updated a new map for Frontline, “Dashing Naadam”. It’s similar to the Naadam battle in SB MSQ. Each alliance will claim the Ovoo to get points. Of course, defeating other alliances and being defeated will ear/lose points too. The map is enjoyable, only if there are no premade groups. Premade groups like to queue as Immortal Flames, so the blue team is always winning right now. I gave up Frontline and would try it in 5.2 because I heard the rumor about fixing this issue in the next patch.

Grand Cosmos

The lore behind Grand Cosmo is tied to the tank role quests and those lizard/dragon-like enemies on the map. The gears are wild and wolf-like. I believe it is a fan service for fury. I also learned that BLM’s Fire II is no longer useful in big pull. Instead of fire, I should cast Freeze and Flare. Umbral Heart allows me to cast Flare twice in a row, and Manafont provides mana for the third Flare. Meanwhile, at least one Polyglot will be accumulated during casting, then an extra Foul will come to the next. It is quite satisfying to cast all these AoE damaging skills consistently.

Pixie Beast Tribe Quest

The pixie beat tribe quest is about solving the mysterious nightmare problem in Nordvant. Pixie can access children’s dreams and use the dream bubble to build a dream garden. By progressing the quests, players will open more gates in the dream garden. The dream garden is essentially a playground for the children. There are macaron benches, Moogle toys, sugar houses, playground slides, seesaw, and other interesting attractions. The pale pixie is An Lad. They ARE the dethroned previous Titania. Once again, the quest emphasizes the current Feo Ul’s obsession with Warrior of Light. At this point, I believe every NPC WoL meet is WoL-sexual. Haurchefant and Aymeric simply showed their attraction very obviously.


Kai-shirr has a plan to help build Eulmore a better place by attracting neighbors to visit Beehive for entertainment. 5.1 overhauled crafting actions entirely. The first noticeable change is the loss of Steady Hand II. Now 50% can’t get upgraded to 90%. I haven’t look up the crafting rotation yet. but I think it’s a nice change. In the previous expansions, I don’t need to the other action to help me on crafting HQ gears if my gears are up to date. The rotation becomes more flexible. The fatct that WoL can craft impressed Mr. Chai-Nuzz so much that he attempts to invite WoL to join Daedalus Company. I wish Cid can do the same thing.

Job Changes

SMN’s Egi Assaults are GCD. This job is less busy on pushing buttons now. BRD’s support ability is back ,but can output less damage. I didn’t feel any different personally, because I don’t do hard-core raid. It’s a shame that AST lost another cool animation: Minor Arcana. We lost Disable and Stellar in 4.0, Time Dilation in 5.0. Now it’s Minor Arcana. 5.15 add more BLU skills and BLU party finder. BLU can queue now! Warring Traid’s skill are also learnable.


Fellowship is a failure. There is no broadcasting function to let player know what is happening inside the group. It also didn’t give quick way of communication between members. I joined a Roulette Fellowship and hoped to run Roulette faster than usual, but I couldn’t. The message on the board is either outdated or provides no means of contacting the members. At least allowing us to send an invitation for linkshell, or send a /tell.


The only plot I remember is that “everyone likes WoL”. Exarch will die for WoL. Alisaie will do anything to make WoL survive. The Fae want have WoL so much that would want to make WoL one of them.